Saturday, September 4, 2010

More on Readicide

I wanted to add to my previous post about the first chapter in Readicide.  I am someone who doesn't like to read and I certainly do not read for pleasure.  To many people that may sound odd.  I don't think reading is a waste of time but with everything else in my life that keeps me busy, I don't find it enjoyable to sit down and read a book when I actually have a little free time on my hands.  I don't think that is a horrible thing.  When I think of the definition given on Readicide, I think it is important to remember that when you ask students about their love for reading, they are so busy reading (or pretending to read) the books they are forced to read for class.  They probably do enjoy some reading but not the reading they are made to do.  When you really think about it.. how many of us like to be told what to do anyways?


  1. I agree. I keep mentioning on my blog that the author keeps mentioning that kids need to be introduced to reading, but how is this going to happen??

  2. I am also a product of the public schools in this country, and I don't enjoy reading. If I ever did enjoy it, the amount of reading for grad school would certainly take it out of me! I think there is also something to be said about the instantaneous life we live in, it's much easier to multi-task while watching the movie, or to skim the cliff notes and move on with life. When so much reading is required, it takes any pleasure away. In talking with some friends who are physical education teachers, the worst thing you can do in their mind is require physical activity as punishment (i.e. phush-ups or running laps) This takes the pleasure out of getting physical activity and promotes unhealthiness... why would reading be any different?!

  3. That is a good point Meredith.. about the PE teachers requiring physical activity as punishment. I really never thought about it like that. I ask myself this though.. if no one "made" me read (like in Grad School).. would I read more for pleasure? Then I look back at times before grad school and I'd probably have to answer no. Everything is so fast paced now and I barely have time to sit down and watch a favorite tv show uninterupted, let along sit down to read a book.
